Section |
Land use, land planning and landscape planning |
Title |
Сontributors |
E.V. Belorustseva, Ph. D. (Geography), Coordinator of GIS- projects, "Company SOVZOND" Ltd., belorustseva@sovzond@ru; D.A. Shapovalov, Ph. D. (Engineering), Dr. Habil., Professor, the Department of Land management and cadastre, State University of Land Use Planning, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Abstract |
In the article, the issues of monitoring the use of the agricultural lands of the Non-chernozem zone are examined. The authors' procedure of the estimation of the state of the lands according to the natural geographic conditions of the territory, the technological properties of the lands, the qualitative state of the lands based on the analysis of satellite photographs and ground-based inspections is developed. The classification by types of the lands and the level of the overgrowing of agricultural territories, is carried out. On multi-temporal space images for 1986—2013 the projective cover of the forming vegetation was identified, by the ground surveys the types of vegetation in the overgrown areas were determined. The analysis of the key areas by the climate, relief, soil fertility, distance and outlined position is carried out. The matrix of numerical scores is built and the ranking of the territories of the agricultural enterprises of the Kirov and Kaluga Regions is given. The recommendations regarding the most effective zoning of the inspected territory are proposed. |
Keywords |
monitoring, agricultural lands, overgrowing by the tree-shrub vegetation, space images, the zoning of a territory. |
References |
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