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Cartography |
Title |
Сontributors |
S.A. Sladkopevtsev, Ph. D. (Engineering), Dr. Habil, Professor, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography References |
Abstract |
The article considers the issues and problems of classical methods of generalization of objects. The difficulties in the analysis of the connections and processes, as well as transition zones of the landscape ecotones are identified. The use of qualifications and standards reduces the objectivity of generalization. The discrepancies in the determination of levels of generalization are pointed out. Space methods have increased the objectivity of the generalizability of the images, they solve the problem of getting the “listed”, most informative scales. The maps, created on the basis of imagery, do not always reflect the role of traditional and remote sensing methods. Satellite images showed the differences of approaches in the generalization of the ordered and disordered systems. The works of the last 10—15 years are devoted to the analysis of ecotones, the generalizations at the global level, the substantiation for large-scale series of maps of nature conservation. In some works, the process of generalization is associated with the change of criteria and indicators. Mathematical and computer methods are widely used to improve the objectivity of the process and the introduction of new regulations. The combined use of various methods is the key to successful development in this trend in mapping. |
Keywords |
generalization, normatives, levels, methods. |
References |
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