Section |
Ecology |
Title |
Сontributors |
E. A. Blinova, Postgraduate Student of Ryazan State University named after S. A. Esenin, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; M. V. Lenkov, Ph. D. (Engineering), Vice-Rector for educational-methodical and educational work of Ryazan State University named after S. A. Esenin, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Е. S. Ivanov, Ph. D. (Agriculture), Dr. Habil., Professor, Head of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences of Ryazan State University named after S. A. Esenin, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Abstract |
The experience of the development and application of the ecological and biological approach to zoning the urban area in the case study of Ryazan is presented. An algorithm for calculating the use of the dispersion of pollutants to choose the test areas of bio-indicative assessment of the air condition in the cities is proposed. The results of the evaluation of the surface layer contamination of the air from stationary and mobile sources of pollution of the city of Ryazan by the calcu-lation methods of environmental regulation are given. The results of the evaluation of contamination of the surface layer of the Ryazan air by the licheno-indi- cation methods are shown. The ecological and biological approach to zoning the urban area was developed and applied. Air pollution features in different districts of Ryazan by means of large-scale mapping are given. The differentiation of the territory by air quality can be applied to planning, design, construction of new residential areas and industrial zones, as it shows the long-term trend of pollution of the surface layer of the air. |
Keywords |
zoning, air, lichen-epiphytes, pollutants. |
References |
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