Section |
Geoecology |
Title |
Сontributors |
I. A. Fomina, doctoral candidate, Y. V. Savаnina, Ph. D. (Biology), senior researcher, E. L. Barsky, Ph. D. (Biology), senior researcher, L. A. Panchenko, Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, E. S. Lobakova, Ph. D. (Biology), Dr. Habil., Professor, Lomonosov Moscow state university |
Abstract |
The paper considers two approaches that allow monitoring the pollution of watercourses: the differential method for determining the concentration of pollutants and bio-testing method using dialysis of cyanobacterial culture. The second method is based on measuring the difference of dichroic absorption of the bands of cyanobacterial cell proteins and their external structures (Ap) recorded by infrared spectroscopy of internal reflection. The use of the methods of statistical analysis to evaluate the influence of watercourses contamination level for Ap reduces the conditions of het-erogeneity influence, under which any particular monitoring is held, and allows to get a reliable result when a minimum number of samples are studied. The comparison of Ap indicator with basic hydro-chemical characteristics of the studied water gives reason to use this approach for developing advanced methods of ecological monitoring. |
Keywords |
cyanobacteria, dialysis cultivation, water toxicology, biodetection, IF-spectroscopy of inter nal reflection. |
References |
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