Section |
Geoecology |
Title |
Сontributors |
A. S. Nekrich, research scientist, Ph. D. (Geography), Institute of geography RAS, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Abstract |
Regular fires are an important mechanism to man- age the natural ecosystems of Australia (State of Victo- ria) and Canada (Alberta province). Here, spatial distri- bution of fires is historically connected with traditional land use by indigenous people, which has been being realized during millennia, and also it is regulated at the government level within the programs for sustainable landscapes management. Arid and semi-arid land- scapes of the South-east Australia, as well as the boreal forests located to the east direction from the Rocky Mountains in Canada — an indicative example of plac- es where the systematic fires increase ability of the en- vironment to self-cleaning, accelerate decomposition of a last year's forest floor, promote growth of seeds. In these countries wildfires becomes managed: barriers are created to control the front and directions of the fire movement; monitoring is carrying out; experience of indigenous on wildfire practice is integrated at the level of states and provinces. |
Keywords |
Australia, Canada, fires, aboriginal, indigenous peoples, pyrogenous landscape management |
References |
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