







D. O. Dushkova, Researcher, Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;

A. G. Goretskaya, Lecturer, Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;

A.V. Evseev, Leading researcher, Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


This article provides an overview of modern bioindication methods for environmental monitoring and evaluates their usability. It analyzes the prerequisites for the creation and development of the concept of envi ronmental monitoring in Russia and abroad considering the key publication in this research field. The main attention is paid to the methods of phytoindication that enable to evaluate the accumulation and distribution features of technogenic pollutants in phytomonitors, such as higher plants, lichens, mosses. Based on the long-term educational experience in teaching the courses: “Principles of bioindication and biomonitor ing”, “Geoecological monitoring” and “Methods of field and laboratory research”, and obtained in the process of training and field research practice of students of the Moscow State University, the various methods of phytoindication have been examined. The basic premise of using plants as the study object in the geo- ecological assessment of the environment, including monitoring research have been analyzed.


environmental monitoring, biomonitoring, phytoindication, technogenic pollution, pollutants, ecological education and scientific activities.


1.            Antonenko I. V. Monitoring and conservation of urban land: lecture notes. Chelyabinsk: Publishing house of the SUSU, 2001. 96 p. (in Russian)

2.            Dushkova D. O, Evseev A. V. Ecology and human health: regional studies at the European North of Russia. Geograph- ical faculty of Moscow state University, Moscow, 2011. 192 p. (in Russian)

3.            Dushkova D. O., Evseev A. V. Modern nature management in the Russian Arctic and sustainable development of geo- systems in circumpolar areas // Problems of regional ecology. 2012. Vol. 1. P. 216—220. (in Russian)

4.            Evseev A. V. Geoecological monitoring. Geographical faculty of Moscow state University, Moscow, 2010. 124 p. (in Rus- sian)

5.            Evseev A. V., Goretskaya A. G. The theory and practice of teaching geo-environmental monitoring // Proceedings of    V International scientific conference “Current geoecological problems”. Vladimir, 2013. P. 249—251. (in Russian)

6.            Gerasimov, I. P. The Scientific basis of modern environmental monitoring. Izv. USSR Academy of sciences. Geograph- ical Issue. 1975. Vol. 3. P. 13—25. (in Russian)

7.            Golubeva E. I., Goretskaya A. G., Krasnushkin A. V., Potapov A. A. The Program of the discipline “Methods of lab- oratory and field studies”. Program of the disciplines of professional training in the specialization “Ecology and nature management” of Department of environmental management. M., 2013. P. 39—53. (in Russian)

8.            Goretskaya A. G., Margolina I. L. Bioindication methods in environmental education // Geography at school. 2014. Vol. 10. P. 18—22. (in Russian)

9.            Israel Y. A. Ecology and controlling of natural environment. Moscow: Gidrometeoizdat, 1984. 560 p. (in Russian)

10.        Manning W. J., Feder W. A. 1985. Biomonitoring air pollutant with plants. Applied science publisher ltd. London.

11.        Markert B., 2008: From biomonitoring to integrated observation of the environment — the multi-markered bioindica- tion concept. Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. 15 (3): 315—330. (in Russian)

12.        Methods for ecological monitoring of the environmental quality of life and assessment of their environmental safety: textbook / O. I. Bukhtoyarov, N. P. Nesgovorova, V. G. Savel'ev, V. G. Ivantsov, E. P. Bogdanov. Kurgan: Publishing house of Kurgan state University press, 2015. 239 p. (in Russian)

13.        Motuzova G. V., Bezuglaya O. S. Ecological monitoring of soils. Textbook for high schools. Moscow: Academic project, Gaudeamus, 2007.

14.        Will-Wolf S. Scheidegger C. McCune B. 2002. Methods for monitoring biodiversity  and  ecosystem  function.  In: Nimis P. L.; Scheidegger C.; Wolseley P. A., eds. Monitoring with lichens—monitoring lichens. NATO Science Series.

15.  Earth and Environmental Sciences, 7. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 408 p.

16.        Zakrzewska M., Sawicka-Kapusta K., Szarek J. et al. 2010. Bioindication of the Environment Contamination by Heavy Metals. Contemporary problems of Management and environmental protection 5, 107—120.


D. O. Dushkova, Researcher, Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;

A. G. Goretskaya, Lecturer, Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;

A.V. Evseev, Leading researcher, Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


This article provides an overview of modern bioindication methods for environmental monitoring and evaluates their usability. It analyzes the prerequisites for the creation and development of the concept of envi ronmental monitoring in Russia and abroad considering the key publication in this research field. The main attention is paid to the methods of phytoindication that enable to evaluate the accumulation and distribution features of technogenic pollutants in phytomonitors, such as higher plants, lichens, mosses. Based on the long-term educational experience in teaching the courses: “Principles of bioindication and biomonitor ing”, “Geoecological monitoring” and “Methods of field and laboratory research”, and obtained in the process of training and field research practice of students of the Moscow State University, the various methods of phytoindication have been examined. The basic premise of using plants as the study object in the geo- ecological assessment of the environment, including monitoring research have been analyzed.


environmental monitoring, biomonitoring, phytoindication, technogenic pollution, pollutants, ecological education and scientific activities.


1.            Antonenko I. V. Monitoring and conservation of urban land: lecture notes. Chelyabinsk: Publishing house of the SUSU, 2001. 96 p. (in Russian)

2.            Dushkova D. O, Evseev A. V. Ecology and human health: regional studies at the European North of Russia. Geograph- ical faculty of Moscow state University, Moscow, 2011. 192 p. (in Russian)

3.            Dushkova D. O., Evseev A. V. Modern nature management in the Russian Arctic and sustainable development of geo- systems in circumpolar areas // Problems of regional ecology. 2012. Vol. 1. P. 216—220. (in Russian)

4.            Evseev A. V. Geoecological monitoring. Geographical faculty of Moscow state University, Moscow, 2010. 124 p. (in Rus- sian)

5.            Evseev A. V., Goretskaya A. G. The theory and practice of teaching geo-environmental monitoring // Proceedings of    V International scientific conference “Current geoecological problems”. Vladimir, 2013. P. 249—251. (in Russian)

6.            Gerasimov, I. P. The Scientific basis of modern environmental monitoring. Izv. USSR Academy of sciences. Geograph- ical Issue. 1975. Vol. 3. P. 13—25. (in Russian)

7.            Golubeva E. I., Goretskaya A. G., Krasnushkin A. V., Potapov A. A. The Program of the discipline “Methods of lab- oratory and field studies”. Program of the disciplines of professional training in the specialization “Ecology and nature management” of Department of environmental management. M., 2013. P. 39—53. (in Russian)

8.            Goretskaya A. G., Margolina I. L. Bioindication methods in environmental education // Geography at school. 2014. Vol. 10. P. 18—22. (in Russian)

9.            Israel Y. A. Ecology and controlling of natural environment. Moscow: Gidrometeoizdat, 1984. 560 p. (in Russian)

10.        Manning W. J., Feder W. A. 1985. Biomonitoring air pollutant with plants. Applied science publisher ltd. London.

11.        Markert B., 2008: From biomonitoring to integrated observation of the environment — the multi-markered bioindica- tion concept. Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. 15 (3): 315—330. (in Russian)

12.        Methods for ecological monitoring of the environmental quality of life and assessment of their environmental safety: textbook / O. I. Bukhtoyarov, N. P. Nesgovorova, V. G. Savel'ev, V. G. Ivantsov, E. P. Bogdanov. Kurgan: Publishing house of Kurgan state University press, 2015. 239 p. (in Russian)

13.        Motuzova G. V., Bezuglaya O. S. Ecological monitoring of soils. Textbook for high schools. Moscow: Academic project, Gaudeamus, 2007.

14.        Will-Wolf S. Scheidegger C. McCune B. 2002. Methods for monitoring biodiversity  and  ecosystem  function.  In: Nimis P. L.; Scheidegger C.; Wolseley P. A., eds. Monitoring with lichens—monitoring lichens. NATO Science Series.

15.  Earth and Environmental Sciences, 7. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 408 p.

16.        Zakrzewska M., Sawicka-Kapusta K., Szarek J. et al. 2010. Bioindication of the Environment Contamination by Heavy Metals. Contemporary problems of Management and environmental protection 5, 107—120.