Section |
Geoecology |
Title |
Сontributors |
B.I. Kochurov, Ph. D. (Geography), Dr. Habil., Professor, V. A. Lobkovsky, Ph. D. (Geography), researcher, S.K. Kostovska, Ph. D. (Geography), L. G. Lobkovskaya, Ph. D. (Geography), researcher, Yu. A. Khaziakhmetova, Ph. D. (Geography), researcher, Institute of Geography, RAS. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Abstract |
The modern traditional Russian system of higher education, including ecological and geo-ecological one, is aimed at forming standard thinking, filling the mind of a future graduate with traditional stereotypes. Owing to what, the graduate ecologist and the geoecologist perceive surrounding reality not as it is, but as the graduate has been taught to perceive it in compliance with educational standards. The gap between the developed system of ecological and geo-ecological education and quickly changing living conditions of society needs to be overcome. The developed system based on the principles of education aimed at transferring knowledge becomes inefficient in the conditions of the increasing information dynamics, globalization and modernization of society. What has to be a paradigm of ecological and geoecological higher education? The authors argue on it in this article. |
Keywords |
ecology, geoecology, higher education, program of vocational training, ecological education, professional competence. |
References |
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