Section |
Physical geography and biogeography, soil geography and landscape geochemistry |
Title |
Сontributors |
N. N. Ruzhnikova, Junior research scientist, V. B. Korobov, Ph. D. (Geography), Dr. Habil., Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Northern Branch |
Abstract |
In the article the issues of the research of change of borders of seasonal zoning of the water area of the sea for determination of scales of this variability are considered. Zoning, including thematic one, is usually done using long-term data, in accordance with which variables are calculated. Herewith, the multi-scale variability of these indicators is not explicitly taken into account. For example, the White Sea shows that its seasonal zoning significantly varies both from season to season and from zoning, carried out at the average values. The quantitative assessment of these differences, exceeding 50 % of the water area of the sea, is given in the paper. It is specified that the seasonal variability of indi-cators, nevertheless, doesn't exert impact on some sites of the water area of the sea which classification remains the same, as well as when carrying out division into districts according to mean annual data. |
Keywords |
environment, geo-environmental issues, seasonal variability, zoning the water area, ecological intensity. |
References |
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