




О.V. Mayorova, Ph. D. (Geography), Associate Professor of the Department of Cartography of the State University on Land Use Planning;

I.S. Krotkov, post-graduate student of the Department of Soil Science, Ecology and Nature of the State University on Land Use Planning


The Moscow Region urbanization leads to the increase of municipal solid waste quantity and, consequently, the number of landfills. The government and society take a number of measures to reduce the negative impact of landfills on the environment. New methods and techniques of landfills study are being developed and applied. Landfills monitoring using quadrocopters is one of these modern methods. Applying quadcopters allows us to get necessary information about of the landfills condition quickly and in real time.


monitoring, environment, landfills, quadrocopters.


1.  Federalny zakon ot 24.06.1998 N 89-FZ “Ob otkhodakh proizvodstva i potrebleniya”. [Federal law of 24.06.1998 No. 89- FL “On wastes of production and consumption”]. [in Russian]

2.  Pismo MPR Rossii ot 11.07.1995 N 01-11/29—2002 “O vremennykh metodicheskikh rekomendatsiyakh po provedeniyu in- ventarizatsii mest zakhoroneniya i khraneniya otkhodov v Rossyskoy Federatsii”. [Letter of MPR of Russia from 11.07.1995 N 01-11/29—2002 “Temporary methodical recommendations for conducting an inventory of disposal sites and waste storage in the Russian Federation”]. [in Russian]

3.  Federalny zakon ot 10.01.2002 N 7-FZ “Ob okhrane okruzhayushchey sredy” (poslednyaya redaktsiya) Ch. 2 st. 51 [Federal law “On environmental protection” of 10.01.2002 No. 7-FL (latest revision) Part 2 of article 51]. [in Russian]

4.  Federalny zakon ot 24.06.1998 N 89-FZ “Ob otkhodakh proizvodstva i potrebleniya” (poslednyaya redaktsiya) Ch. 5 st. 12 [Federal law “On wastes of production and consumption” of 24.06.1998 No. 89-FL (latest revision) Part 5 of article 12] [in Russian]

5.  Zakon Moskovskoy oblasti ot 29.11.2005 N 249/2005-OZ “Ob obespechenii funktsionirovaniya sistem zhizneobespecheni- ya naseleniya na territorii moskovskoy oblasti” (prinyat postanovleniyem Mosobldumy ot 16.11.2005 n 5/158-P) [The law of the Moscow region dated 29.11.2005 N 249/2005-OZ “On the functioning of the life support systems of the population on the territory of Moscow region” (adopted by the decree of the Moscow region Duma dated 16.11.2005 5/158 n-P)] [in Russian]

6.  Zakon Moskovskoy oblasti ot 18 dekabrya 2014 g. N 17/110-P “O blagoustroystve v Moskovskoy oblasti” [The law of 18 De¬cember 2014 N 17/110-P of the Moscow region “On the improvement in the Moscow region”] [in Russian]

7.  “Problema nesanktsionirovannykh svalok v Moskovskoy oblasti” RVM Kapital, M 2015 S16-20 [“The problem of unauthor¬ized dumps in Moscow region” RVM the Capital M 2015 P16-20] [in Russian]

8.  Electronic resource available at: [in Russian]

9.  Metodologiya ispolzovaniya GIS-tekhnology pri kontrole sostoyaniya poligonov TBO. Raklov V. P. M. “Zemleustroystvo, ka- dastr i monitoring zemel” No. 6. — 2016. S. 85—92. [The methodology of using GIS technology in the monitoring of landfills. Raklov V. P. M. “Land use planning, cadastre and monitoring of lands”. 2016. P. 85—92.] [in Russian]