Section |
Physical geography and biogeography, soil geography and landscape geochemistry |
Title |
Сontributors |
Yu. M. Grishaeva, Professor, Department of physical geography, environmental management and methods of teaching of geography, Moscow Region State University (MRSU), А. А. Medvedkov, Head of the Department of General and Regional Geoecology, Moscow Region State University (MRSU), Z. N. Tkacheva, Dean of Geography and Ecology Faculty, A. V. Volgin, Head of the Department of Economic and Social Geography, Moscow Region State University (MRSU) |
Abstract |
The article discusses various approaches to the esthetic assessment of recreational landscapes, attractiveness criteria of the landscape are analyzed, concepts associated with landscape esthetics in their relation to urbanized areas are revealed. The important role of esthetic assessment of landscape in a comprehensive geoecologi cal assessment of recreational areas in urbanized areas is stated. |
Keywords |
recreational landscape, esthetic assessment, geoecological assessment, landscape attractiveness, attractive, urban area. Очевидно, что качество |
References |
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