Section |
Ecology |
Title |
Сontributors |
A. N. Kamnev, doctor of biological sciences, leading researcher in biological department of Lomonosov Moscow State University, academician of the Academy of natural sciences RANS, Academy of pedagogical and Social Sciences APSS, World academy of sciences integrated security WASIS, 8 (925) 542-39-02, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Abstract |
The article provides the definition of Hydrobiology as an independent science, and background of its development. The article also reveals hydrobiology periods of evolution, active growth and fall into oblivion, and covers modern hydrobiology research areas, its tasks and methods. The main practical tasks of this scientific discipline are considered in details; also practical priorities are shown. The definition and limits of hydrosphere concept are considered. Water is shown to be the most important object of modern hydrobiological researches. Particular attention is given to the training of researchers. The evolution of Hydrobiology as an independent science in Russia is closely connected with the creation and development of the Department of Hydrobiology of MSU Faculty of Biology; therefore, we should consider its progress concerning future use for domestic Hydrobiology and economic features of the time. |
Keywords |
hydrobiology, periods of development of hydrobiology, tasks of hydrobiology, hydrosphere, world ocean, water as an object of research, development strategy of hydrobiology, training. |
References |
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