Section |
Environmentally sound technologies and innovations |
Title |
Сontributors |
J. A. Abuzin, Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, ILMiT LLC, I. K. Ermolaev, Ph. D. (Engineering), senior researcher, Institute of n Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, V. A. Fadeev, Ph. D. (Engineering), senior researcher, FSUE Scharenberg, A. E. Shabanov, Ph. D. (Agriculture), Head of the Department of agro-technological evaluation of varieties and hybrids of FGBNU VNIIKH them. A. g., Lorha, A. I. Kiselyov, Ph. D. (Agriculture), senior researcher Lorkh FGBNU VNIIKH |
Abstract |
In Lorkh All-Russian Research Institute for Potato Growing, the studies on the introduction of micro-particles of iodine and selenium into potato seeds were conducted to intrude microelements, necessary for human vital functions, into the future potato crop. The introduction of the micro-particles into the potato was carried out using dust plasma affecting the potato seeds with the speed of380мЛ. It has been proven that in the body of the potato there is deep penetration of micro-particles, in this case potatoes allocate internal energy, which leads to the stress of potato seeds, and this can lead to increased yields of potato. |
Keywords |
dusty plasma, potatoes, micro-particles, iodine, selenium. |
References |
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