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Nature use economics |
Title |
Сontributors |
I. G. Yakovlev, Ph. D. (Geography), research officer of the Agro-ecology and land management laboratory of the Institute of the Steppe of the Ural Branch of the RAS, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Abstract |
The Russian steppe zone possesses a promising po-tential for tourism and recreation development since there is a substantial amount of such natural and cultural heritage sites there that are currently or can supposedly become tourism and recreation destinations in the steppe regions that were developed long ago. The approaches to tourist-recreation zoning of these steppe regions are examined, zoning for these regions based on the economic management analysis of their territory is carried out. Due to geographical features and latitudinal stretching of the steppe zone, its regions substantially vary in their natural conditions and economic development. For Orenburg Oblast, i.e. the model region, more detailed tourist-recre- ation zoning is proposed considering natural and economic, cultural heritage features of the districts, which substantially differ from the north-west to the south-east of the region. |
Keywords |
the steppe zone, tourist-recreation zoning, ecotourism, protected natural areas, tourism and recreation potential, Orenburg Oblast. |
References |
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