





V. V. Ieronova, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;

A. V. Bobrovskaia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;

University of Tyumen


The environmental condition of the plant communities in the vicinity of the town of Pyt'-Iakh of the Nefteyugansk District, located in the zone affected by two infrastructural facilities (a road and an overgrown tree clearance under the power lines), has been studied. Those facilities led to a dislocation of natural drainage lines and changes in the hydrological regime of the territory. It has been found out that plant communities react to anthropogenic impact. At the same time, the share of synanthropic plants is increasing in the disturbed plan associations (up to 22,4 %), the ecological structure of the communities is changing, germinating power of the growing stock is getting worse, accompanied by disappearance and replacement of the main forest-forming species.


synanthropization, plant ecological groups, germinating power, growing stock, undergrowth.


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