





K. S. Degtyarev, scientific researcher, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Laboratory for Renewable Energy Sources, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Moscow, Russia


The article describes and analyses the key geo-environmental and socio-economic issues of the Kalmyk Republic (Southern Russia), its renewable energy potentials, experience and prospects of renewable energy systems development as a tool for the solution of environmental and economic tasks.

Kalmykia is an agricultural territory with the rural majority of population, and farming, predominantly cattle breeding, as the base of real sector of the economy.

Kalmykia faces a range of problems, including pasture degradation and desertification, deficit of both potable and utility water, in combination with electricity deficit, poor economic and life standard level.

At the same time, Kalmykia possesses exclusively high renewable energy potential, first of all solar and wind energy.

At present in Kalmykia a number of renewable energy projects are being developed, both major solar and wind farms and small-scaled autonomous systems.

There are two independent guidelines that are meant to solve the tasks of different levels. Both of them have its own particularities and face a peculiar set of difficulties of development.

The experience of the recent years and the analysis of the situation has shown more fast-moving development of small-scaled autonomous renewable power systems. As it was found out, small and autonomous renewable energy together with autonomous water supply systems can primarily contribute to both solving a range of household and agricultural problems and environmental and economic development of Kalmykia in general.


renewable sources of energy, geo-environmental problems, economic problems, regional economy, living standards, Kalmykia, agriculture, rural areas, power supply, water supply.


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