DOI: |
10.24411/1728-323X-2018-14064 |
Section |
Geoecology |
Title |
Сontributors |
A. S. Tabelinova, senior teacher, Kazakhstan branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Astana, Kazakhstan |
Abstract |
The North-Eastern Caspian Sea Region’s high-alti- tude landscape differentiation was based on the study of the geo-morphological levels which were formed as a result of the Region’s development and the Caspian Sea level periodic fluctuations and includes differences in landscape features and the specifics of geo-ecological processes. The boundaries of spatial distribution and the degree of investigated processes development were determined by index interpretation. The synergetic effect of geo-ecological processes and its consequences were revealed. Geo-ecological assessment of the investigated territory was carried out and environmental measures were proposed taking into account the state cadastres of nature protection resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan. |
Keywords |
effect of the geo-ecological processes, geo-ecological regions, modern landscapes of the North-Eastern Caspian Region, landscape levels. |
References |
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