

Nature use economics




G.A. Fomenko, PhD (Geoghapy), Dr. Habil, Professor, Research and Designing Institute Cadaster, Yaroslavl State Technical University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

M.A. Fomenko, PhD (Geoghapy), Associate Professor, Scientific-Production Enterprise Cadaster, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Now, in the modern time of unexpected stresses and shocks, when present economic structures, culture and social systems, polarization and pulsation of socio-economic space are changing fundamentally, society has to assess the taken measures more in terms of acceptable level of risk. The approaches to environmental spatial planning are changing as well. As the understanding of ecological issues is changing and global ecological threats are getting worse, the tasks of increasing resilience of cities and towns and ecosystem conservation have become of most relevance. This article’s comes from the presented practical experience, showing specific features of the ecosystem approach in environmental territory development planning for sustainable development.


Sustainable development, weak sustainability, environmental planning, natural resources, ecosystem services, ecological risks, environmental institutions.


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