

Physical geography and biogeography, soil geography and landscape geochemistry




K. V. Myachina, Ph. D. (Geography), Institute of the Steppe, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IS UrB RAS), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Orenburg, Russia;

E. V. Krasnov, Ph. D. (Geology and Mineralogy), Dr. Habil, Professor, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Kaliningrad, Russia


The results of the stratigraphic study of the sediments shaping Otdykha Island are presented. The island is located in the middle course of the Yenisei River (the city of Krasnoyarsk). A consistent description of the alluvial strata up to the depth of 5.5 m is given, and issues of the genesis of its constituent deposits are considered. It is shown that the specificity of the structure is determined mainly by the hydrological regime of the Yenisei River. In the composition of the middle and upper parts of the investigated section, the main role is played by fine and medium sands, sandy loams, whereas in the lower part by pebbles. Loams play a subordinate role and lie in the form of thin puffs and lenses. The upper part of the sediment strata has signs of aeolian processing. The remained traces of stable soil formation are present only in the depth interval of 0.35-0.85. Loamy deposits corresponding to the early stages of the formation of the island (depth interval of 5.15-5.20 m) include the spore-pollen spectrum that corresponds to a coniferous fir forests with dominance of Pinus sibirica (40.8%) and Abies (24.3%). The probable age of the formation of this layer corresponds to the second half of the Holocene, when cedar-fir forests began to develop in the basin of the Yenisei catchment, including the upper river (the Sayan Mountains).


stratigraphy, genesis of the island, alluvial deposits, the Holocene.


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