




  1. G. A. Bortnikova, postgraduate student, Department of Geography and Tourism,
  2. FGOBOU WAUGH “Voronezh State Pedagogical University”, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Voronezh, Russia,
  3. L. A. Mezhova, Ph. D. (Geography), Associate Professor of Geography and Tourism,
  4. FGOBOU WAUGH “Voronezh State Pedagogical University”, Voronezh, Russia,
  5. A. M. Lugovskoy, Ph. D. (Geography), Dr. Habil., Professor, Department of Economic and Social Geography,
  6. Geographical and Ecological Faculty, Moscow State Regional University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Mytishchi, Russia,
  7. M. Yu. Evdokimov, Ph. D. (Geography), Associate Professor, Economic and Social Geography, Moscow State Regional University,
  8. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Mytishchi, Russia,
  9. A. Yu. Tkachyov, 3rd year postgraduate student, Geographical and Ecological Faculty, Moscow State Regional University,
  10. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Mytishchi, Russia,
  11. P. V. Rikhardt, graduate student, Geographical and Ecological Faculty, Moscow State Regional University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
  12. Mytishchi, Russia.

The paper gives the description of geo-ecological bases of rehabilitation of the structural material extraction pits. The evolution of the concepts for defining the approaches in the process of recultivation of structural material extraction pits is analyzed.

The need of studying the rehabilitation of the quarries for the extraction of structural material is conditioned by a set of factors among which are the lack of uniform approach to their rehabilitation, the significant amount of lands withdrawn from agricultural activities as well as essential regional differences in each case.

It indicates the need not just to restore the territories, but also to study the process of designing modified natural and technogenic geosystems, accelerate natural succession processes with higher efficiency and sustainability while maintaining the economic and environmental value of the landscapes, which is the basis of our research, providing scientific novelty.

The objective of this research is to identify the most effective measures for the reclamation and further sanitation of the quarries for structural material extraction dependingon a natural area in which it is located.

The aims of the research are: the analysis of the evolution the concepts for defining the approaches in the process of recultivation of structural material extraction quarries; the development of an algorithm for the formation of quarries; the allocation of model quarries for a comprehensive geo-ecological analysis of the algorithm for the formation of quarries for the extraction of building material and drawing up a map of their structure.


rehabilitation, quarries for the extraction of building material, landscape reclamation, environmental management.

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