





N. E. Sivtseva, Ph. D. (Biology), Research Assistant, Arctic Research Center of the Academy of Sciences Republic of Sakha (ARC AS RS), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Yakutsk, Russia


The paper presents the results of the ecological and geochemical studies of the soil cover of the Yakutsk residential zone. The chemical composition of the citys soil cover (urban soils) was analyzed, the contents of various forms of trace elements were determined, and the contents of gross and mobile forms of heavy metals were compared with the MPC standards, as well as with regional and local background data.

The ranks of the accumulation of elements are specified. The main trace elements that contribute to the contamination of the soil cover are identified. It was also established that on the content of gross forms of microelements, in the urban soils, the following accumulation line was formed: Pb3,5 → V2,6 → B1,6 → Zn1,5 → Cr1,4 → Cu1,3. The excess of the norms of the maximum permissible concentration of gross forms is insignificant.

According to the content of mobile forms of elements, the accumulation range in urban areas corresponds to the following scheme: Pb3,9 > Zn3,3 > Cu1,7 > Ni1,2. By average content, for mobile forms of microelements, the maximum permissible concentrations have been detected up to two times in lead, zinc and copper. The main pollutants contributing to the pollution of the soil cover of Yakutsk are lead, zinc, copper, nickel and chromium. The assessment of the ecological and geochemical state of the urban soils of Yakutsk in terms of the total soil contamination indicator revealed that the territory of the city is mainly within the permissible category of pollution, with local areas exceeding the moderate and dangerous category of pollution.


urban soil, soil pollution, heavy metals, monitoring, evaluation, pollution indicator.

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