




  1. G. D. Chimitdorzhieva, Ph. D. (Agricultural Sciences), Dr. Habil, Professor, Institute of General and Experimental Biology,
  2. Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IOEB RAS), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Ulan-Ude, Russia;
  3. Ts. D.-Ts. Korsunova, Ph. D. (Biology), Institute of General and Experimental Biology, SB RAS (IOEB RAS), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Ulan-Ude, Russia;
  4. A. Z. Nimbueva, Ph. D. (Biology), Buryat State Republican Pedagogical College, Ulan-Ude, Russia.

The purpose of the research is to identify the content of cobalt and manganese in the organic matter of the meadow chernozem permafrost and gray forest soils of Transbaikalia. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set: to identify the content of trace elements in the soil-forming rock, soil, vegetation, and to determine their content in humic acids of the studied soils. For the first time, the levels of the total content of Mn, Co in humic acids of meadow chernozem permafrost and gray forest soils of Transbaikalia are identified. It is shown that the average number of studied trace elements in the soil-forming rocks of meadow chernozem permafrost and gray forest soils is below the clark of the lithosphere. The content of cobalt and manganese in the soil-forming rocks and the organogenic layer of the studied soils is insignificant. The content of trace elements in humic acids does not exceed 11 % of their gross quantities in meadow chernozem permafrost and 9 % in gray forest soils. The obtained data can be used further by environmental protection and sanitary services for soil and geochemical monitoring of the state of soil cover and vegetation.


cobalt, manganese, soil, soil-forming rock, vegetation, humic and fulvic acids.

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