DOI | 10.24411/1728-323X-2019-12048 |
Section | Physical geography and biogeography, soil geography and landscape geochemistry |
Сontributors | N. B. Nesterova, Junior Researcher, Tyumen State University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Tyumen, Russia |
Abstract | The destructive effect of the Kandalaksha Aluminum Plant (KAZ) on the landscapes of the impact zone has been studied for decades. Multiple emission reduction in 2005 led to the recovery successions of the surrounding landscapes. Several years later, repeated studies on the state of soils were carried out and a comparative analysis of soil pollution was performed. However, there are no similar repeated research of the changes in vegetation cover and landscapes in general. This article presents the results of studying the dynamics of the landscapes in the impact zone of the KAZ for the period of 1987—2015. During the field work we applied the method of ecological landscape description based on the pollution indicators close to the ones used by researchers at the end of the 20th century. The obtained results allowed us to identify and map three zones of landscape degradation. After comparing the current state of the landscapes with those described before, the recovery dynamics, mitigation of pollution indicators, as well as the reduction of degradation zones were revealed. The results of this research may be of interest to those working with land reclamation of the impact zone, and the applied methods of comparing multi-temporal indicators of the landscape state are versatile and can be used in other areas of interest. |
Keywords | anthropogenic air pollution, the Kandalaksha Aluminum Smelter, impact zone, modernization, environmental restoration. |
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