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Ecology |
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Сontributors |
E. A. Artemyeva, Ph. D. (Biology), Dr. Habil., Professor of the Department of Geography and Ecology of the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University of I. N. Ulyanov, A. V. Mishchenko, Ph. D. (Biology), Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Ecology, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University of I. N. Ulyanov, D. K. Makarov, Ph. D. student, Department of Geography and Ecology, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University of I. N. Ulyanov, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Abstract |
During the field seasons of 2011—2015 biomonitoring and molecular genetic studies of the populations of a rare subspecies of yellow wagtail, i.e. white-headed wagtail Motacillaflavaleucocephala (Przewalski, 1887), was held in the territory of the Middle Volga Region. The studies have shown that high levels of genetic differences between individuals within a distance breeding pair of bald brood wagtail M. f. leucocephala (genetic distance from 69,00 to 1375,67) shows a high degree of hybridization (corresponding species and interspecific levels). During the observation period of three field seasons due to the formation of mixed breeding pairs between males of white-headed yellow wagtail Motacillaflavabeema (Sykes, 1832) and females of yellow-frontal wagtail Motacillalutea (S. G. Gmelin, 1774) the maintenance of the mechanism of sympatric speciation was noted at the molecular genetic level, which leads to further accumulation of individuals in a population of white-headed wagtail M. f. leucocephala. The form of white-headed wagtail M. f. leucocephala is characterized by the maximum genetic distance (1306,67—1375,67), which corresponds to the species rank. The existence of hybridization between subspecies of yellow wagtails and M. flava and yellow-frontal wagtail M. lutea is the most important factor in limiting the spread and size of the latter. |
Keywords |
biomonitoring, ornitofauna, population, wagtails, the Middle Volga Region. |
References |
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