




A. V. Shakirov, Dr. Sc. (Geography), Dr. Habil., Head of the Department of Geography, land management and cadastre,

Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla;

A. R. Khafizov, Professor of the Department of Environmental Engineering, construction and hydraulics, Bashkir State Agrarian University, Director of the Bashkir Branch Russian Research Institute for complex use and protection of water resources,

A.A. Galimova, Postgraduate, Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla


The paper presents the main problems associated with the establishment and functioning of reservoirs. Reservoirs seating is connected with the spatio-temporal changes of natural ecosystems. The characteristic of the main areas of flooding is submitted, in the survey the flood zone of the Nugush Reservoir and the possible areas transformation of the shores of the reservoir are highlighted. The safety of hydraulic structures is an issue of paramount importance, as they may pose a threat to the environment, human health and life. The Nugush Reservoir corresponds to class 1 on the degree of danger as a potentially dangerous object. According to the analysis the measures to reduce the negative impacts and maintain the sanitary condition of the water reservoir are proposed.


flood zone, water protection zone, hydraulic engineering constructions, the safety of hydraulic structures.


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