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Geoecology |
Title |
Сontributors |
A. I. Azhgirevich, Ph. D. (Engineering), All-Russian branch association of employers Ecosfera, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Abstract |
The bacterial-static preparations from the combinations of «ozone — silver ions» and «ozone — copper ions» are recommended in the paper as a less harmful (from the ecological-hygienic point of view) alternative to the chlorination of water in the systems of turnover water supply of plants. In this process, the ozone performs the functions of an oxidizer and main disinfectant, and the silver ions (or copper ones) work as activators of the bactericidal effect of the ozone and a bacteriostatic agent. To find the most effective option, two schemes are considered: the first one includes a node of bactericidal handling with the electrolyzer, which is built-in into the main water supply system, the second one pro-vides the application of a portable ionator. It is established, that from the perspective of the consumption of cop-per and silver, it is the most appropriate to apply the ozone-ion method in the systems of turnover water supply of the relatively small capacity of treated water. However, if you consider the concentration, recommended for chlorine in water disinfectioning, the required quantity of this disinfectant for the system of turnover water supply of a larger capacity, for exam-ple, of 10 million m3 a year, will constitute 15 tons, while the amount of sulfate of copper will constitute 12,5 tons, and in terms of a copper vitriol, it will be 19,5 tons, at the same time the fixed concentrations of copper are less than its maximum concentration limit in drinking water. It is specified, that the choice in favor of this or that finishing disinfectant in the schemes of «ozone — copper ions», «ozone — silver ions» or «ozone — ions of copper and silver» should be determined from a ratio of economic costs and social-and-ecological damages regarding a particular unit. |
Keywords |
ozone, water supply, bactericidal processing, disinfecting, bacteriostatic. |
References |
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