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Cartography |
Title |
Сontributors |
S.A. Sladkopevtsev, Ph. D. (Engineering), Dr. Habil., Professor, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography |
Abstract |
The article considers the relations of the concepts of theory methodology, methods and practice in cartography. Theoretical foundations (projections, language, generalization) retain their relevance, but are supplemented due to the results of the latest research. Modern technologies and appearance of new maps make the systems of conventional signs more complicated. Generalizations of maps contents are becoming more numerous. The examples of not quite justified claims on the theoretical value of the number of works are given. A wide range of concepts “conception” and its relation to theory are indicated. There is not always a clear distinction be-tween the theoretical and methodological foundations of re-search. The results obtained from the use of new methods and technologies, show that the retrieved data often take on the methodological and even theoretical value. The practical importance of the reviewed work varies but the benefit to the development of cartography is of no doubt. The study shows that the increasing requirements to the applied aspects are an important stimulus for the full development of cartography. |
Keywords |
theory, methodology, methods, technologies, practice. |
References |
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