




L. A. Mudranova, Junior Researcher,

A. I. Homenko, Junior Researcher,

S.V. Muradov, Head of the laboratory,

S.V. Rogatykh, Senior Researcher,

Research Geotechnological Centre, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The article considers the designed by RGC FEB RAS method of the environmental activation of therapeutic mud, including liquefaction, heating, mixing and aeration, providing a rapid change in the biochemical properties of the peloid and cleaning it from bacterial contamination. The results of exposure of nanosized silica of hydrothermal origin (NSS) on the change of physical-chemical parameters of mud solutions and the development of autochthonous microflora of peloid depending on the insertion of the concentration of the NSS in the activation process are presented. Stimulant effect of NIR on the autochthonous microflora of bottom sediments during insertion of the concentration of a suspension of nano powder 0,05—0,2 %. It established a stimulating effect the NSS on the autochthonous flora of the sediments introduced at a concentration of 0,05—0,2 % suspensions. The application of nanodispersed silica of hydrothermal origin may find a place in solving environmental and technological problems during the activation process mud.


ground deposits, microorganisms, therapeutic mud, environmental activation, nanosized silica.


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