




A. V. Shchur, Head of the Department, Belarusian-Russian University, 212030 Republic of Belarus, Mogilev, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;

V. P. Valckho, Associate Professor, Belarusian Agrarian Technical University, Republic of Belarus, Minsk;

D.V. Vinogradov, Head of the Department, Kostychev Ryazan State Agrotechnological University, Russian Federation, Ryazan


Crop production technologies must comply with the biospheric processes, rather than contradict them. They should not violate the established cycle of substances in bio-geocenosis and maintain its high biological productivity, developing new technologies and methods of cultivation of agricultural crops in accordance with the biospheric processes. It is essential that the soil should be as much as possible under the vegetation and serve for rich harvest, with the use of the vegetation season as fully as possible. The development of the new forms of complex organic fertilizers and biological additives will maximize the cost recovery with yield increase, reduce losses of nitrogen as well as the concentration of nitrates and chlorides in the produce and groundwater.


environmental impacts of production intensification, Biogeocenosis agriculture, biosphere processes, agro-technology.


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2.  Valkho V. P., Shchur A. V. Osobennosti biotehnologicheskogo zemledeliya [Features of the biotech agriculture.] Minsk: BSATU, 2011. 192 p. (in Russian).

3.  Valkho V. P., Schur A. V., Valkho O. V. O nekotoryih voprosah povyisheniya plodorodiya pochv Belorusskoe selskoe hozyaystvo [On some issues of improving soil fertility] Belarusian agriculture 2009. No. 7 (87). P. 35—37 (in Russian).

4.  Shchur A. V., Valkho V. P. Rezervyi povyisheniya effektivnosti selskohozyaystvennogo proizvodstva, Belorusskoe selskoe hozyaystvo [Reserves of increase of efficiency of agricultural production] Belarusian agriculture. 2010, No. 8 (100). P. 37—41 (in Russian).

5.  Shchur A. V., Valkho V. P., Valkho O. V. Biologicheski aktivnyie preparatyi dlya povyisheniya urozhaynosti kultur i snizheniya nakopleniya v nih radionuklidov, Belorusskoe selskoe hozyaystvo [Biologically active preparations to increase crop yields and reduce the accumulation of radionuclides] Belarusian agriculture. 2010, No. 10 (102). P. 22—25 (in Russian).

6.  Shchur A. V., Valkho O. V., Aleshchenkova Z. M., Valkho V. P., Kartyzhova L. E. Agroekologicheskie osobennosti mnogoletnih bobovyih trav v usloviyah radioaktivnogo zagryazneniya territorii Mogilevskoy oblasti pri primenenii mikrobiologicheskih preparatov. Problemyi ustoychivogo razvitiya regionov Respubliki Belarus i sopredelnyih stran: sbornik nauch. statey II Mezhd. nauch.-prakt. konf. 27—29 marta 2012 g., MGU im. A. A. Kuleshova, g. Mogilev: v 2 ch. / pod red. I. N. Sharuho [i dr.]. [Agroecological features of perennial legumes in terms of radioactive contamination of the territory of the Mogilev Region in the application of microbiological preparations] Problems of sustainable development of the Republic of Belarus and the regions of neighboring countries: a collection of scientific articles of the Second Int. scientific-practical. conf., March 27—29, 2012 at Mogilev State University, Mogilev. Mogilev: Mogilev State University, 2012. Part 2. P. 313—316 (in Russian).

7.  Valkho V. P., Schur A. V. Biotehnologicheskoe zemledelie — osnova effektivnogo selskohozyaystvennogo proizvodstva Issledovaniya, rezultatyi (nauchnyiy zhurnal) [Agriculture Biotechnology as the basis for efficient agricultural production] Research results (scientific journal). Kazakh National Agrarian University: Almaty. No. 2 (058). 2013. P. 84—89 (in Russian).

8.  Shchur A. V., Valkho V. P., Valkho O. V. Agroekologicheskie osobennosti primeneniya biologicheski aktivnyih preparatov usloviyah radioaktivno zagryaznennyih territoriy Respubliki Belarus. Issledovaniya, rezultatyi (nauchnyiy zhurnal). [Agri-environmental features of the application of biologically active drugs under the radioactively contaminated areas of Belarus] Research results (scientific journal). Kazakh National Agrarian University: Almaty. No. 1. 2014. P. 205—212 (in Russian).

9.  Shchur A. V., Vinogradov D. V., Ageeva T. N., Shapsheeva T. P., Fadkin G. N. Radioekologicheskie riski i napravleniya ih snizheniya v agropromyishlennom komplekse Mogilevskoy oblasti Respubliki Belarus. AgroEkoInfo [Radiological risks and the guidelines for their reduce in the agricultural sector of the Mogilev Region of Belarus] AgroEcoInfo 2015, No. 5. Electronic resource available at: http://agroecoinfo.narod.ru/journal/STATYI/2015/5/st_19.doc. (in Russian).