Section |
Geoecology |
Title |
Сontributors |
S.A. Dubrovskaya, research associate FGBUN IS UB RAN, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Abstract |
On the basis of multispectral pictures of average permission occurring at different times classification by a vegetative index (degree of the condition of vegetation and dynamics of development of an urboecosystem) is carried out. Estimating the condition of a vegetable cover in Orenburg for almost thirty-year period, the authors have established that the areas of plantings of the park which are in a satisfactory condition have increased, and also the share of the areas with index indicators (artificial coverings, the open soil) of NDVI (-0,3—0,25) has increased, the NDVI (0,25—0,34) grounds — a vegetation depression have decreased. When calculating indicators of dynamics of changes trends of changes in limits of the studied park territory during 1987—2015 are allocated. Quantitative negative and positive parameters are transferred to qualitative categories for the assessment of the dynamics of development of this city park and the general assessment of the development of bioproductivity of wood and shrubby plantings. |
Keywords |
urban landscape, urban plant communities, satellite image, NDVI, spectral information. |
References |
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