Section |
Environmental education |
Title |
Сontributors |
A.N. Kamnev, PhD (Biology), Dr. Habil., Leading Researcher, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Academician of the Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS), Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences (APSS), World Academy of Sciences Integrated Security (WASIS), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Abstract |
The article describes the life path of an outstanding American educator — ecologist, practising teacher and enlightener, Irene Hooper. She was a sensitive and sympathetic woman who devoted all her life to environmental education. She gradually put her ideas to life by setting up an ecological Seacamp for children, followed by Marine Institute and later uniting them into the Seacamp Association Inc. Thanks to her will, energy and commitment to the idea of youth education, Irene Hooper managed to bring together the best people, international experts from different fields of science. They were often unrelated in their specialty with pedagogy, but still became a close-knit team — a family. The members of this family speak different languages and practice different religions but share the commitment to the same cause — environmental education. They are also passionate about sharing with the younger generation their deep love for the ocean and responsible treatment of it and water as a whole. Moreover, Irene Hooper endlessly loved Russia and did her best to strengthen friendly ties between the USA and Russia. |
Keywords |
Irene Hooper, Seacamp Association Inc. — Florida, USA, Newfound Harbor Marine Institute at Seacamp, camp pedagogy, environmental education, educational activities |
References |
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