Section |
Ecology |
Title |
Сontributors |
A. N. Saltykov, Dr. Sc. (Agriculture), Deputy Director of Science, A. V. Mishchenko, Researcher of National Park "Smolensk Lakes", saltykov.andrey. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Abstract |
The supposition that the activation of the processes of natural regeneration is the response of the ecosystem to the changes in the structural and functional features of forest plantations, is suggested as a working hypothesis. The observations of the state, number and characteristics of spatial structure of cenopopulation undergrowth within the boundaries of pyrogenic number were made. The effect of the spatial plant redistribution is the result of the processes of structures autoregulation within the cenopopulation undergrowth in accordance with the features of the spatial structure of the parent plants and the presence of renewal niches were also found. In certain conditions the activation of the processes of natural regeneration allows to restore the fragments of the fields of population lost for some reason, first of all, within the limits of the canopy gaps and on the periphery of the forests. Conventionally, the scheme of the recovery of population boundaries of the space can be represented as follows: the wave of renewal, the adaptation of plants to the niche conditions, autoregulation of the cenopopula- tion structure, restoring the population field. |
Keywords |
ecology, environmental monitoring, pine forests, natural regeneration |
References |
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