Section |
Ecology |
Title |
Сontributors |
N. I. Kosolapova, PhD (Chemistry), Associate Professor, E. P. Protsenko, PhD (Agriculture), Dr. Habil., Professor, A. A. Protsenko, PhD (Agriculture), Dr. Habil., Professor, N. P. Nevedrov, PhD (Biology), assistant, E. Yu. Alferova, postgraduate student, O.V. Miroshnichenko, Senior Lecturer, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kursk State University", Kursk, the Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Abstract |
The investigation aim is to reveal and study some stress-protective features of innovative ecology-safe agricultural preparation “CAVITA BIO-COMPLEX”. The preparation is made from the turf that is dispersed in water environment to particles with the size of 40—60 nm, i.e. the antioxidant activity and ability to regulate nitrate translocation from nitrogen polluted soil environment to cultivated plants, are described. The antioxidant activity is determined in vitro by estimating the preparation solution ability to inhibit adrenaline autooxidation using T. V. Sirota's method. To investigate the preparation ability to regulate nitrate translocation from nitrogen polluted soil environment to plants biomass we performed the microfield test using barley culture. The features of nitrates accumulation by straw and barley caryopsis, the variation of nitrates biological extraction by overground barley phytomass, the preparation effect on nitrate-calculated translocation index are revealed within the test. It is shown, that the preparation has a high antioxidation activity and its application to barley cultivation in nitrogen pollution conditions prevents nitrates to pass from soil to caryopsis. The translocation index for the preparation applied plants is 2—3 times lower as compared to the unapplied ones. |
Keywords |
ecology safe agricultural preparation, antioxidation activity, humic substances, phytoremediation. |
References |
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