Section |
Ecology |
Title |
Сontributors |
D.A. Markelov1, A. V. Markelov1, N. Y. Mineeva1, M. A. Grigoreva2, A. P. Akolzin1,D.A. Shapovalov3, A. O. Hutorova3 1 "CARTEC" (Moscow), 2Buryat State University (Ulan-Ude), 3 State University of Land Management (Moscow) |
Abstract |
The basis of the new method of ecological monitoring of the area was binary bio-indication of successional phases and their radio-toleration. The general principle is that each ecomorph is a bio-indicator for radiotoleration of a certain range, and the species, which are its constituent parts, are bio-indicators of successional phases. The most common, dominant species provide information on the status of the territory as the cells of the biosphere. The drafts and models, carried out in the case study of the city of Moscow, constitute the scientific and methodological, reference and regulatory database, and implemented as modules of GIS “Geo-ecological standard of the city of Moscow”. The procedures for environmental monitoring are developed. |
Keywords |
ecological monitoring, binary bio-indication, successional phase of radio-tolerance, eco- morph, bioindicators. |
References |
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