Section |
Ecology |
Title |
Сontributors |
I. B. Shapovalova, Institute of Water Problems of RAS (IWP RAS), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Abstract |
For the first time the reservoir has been considered as a complex environmental factor of the impact on ornithocomplexes of the steppe zone of the south of European Russia. The main criteria (factors) of the impact are presented. The characteristics of modern avifauna of the coastal zones are given, and its changes as a result of transformation of the landscape environment after the creation of the reservoir are shown. The contribution of the Sarpa Reservoir to the formation and maintenance of the avifauna of the region is estimated. The basic diagnostic indicators of bird communities' transformations due to the changes in the level of the reservoir in spring and summer were revealed, and the global changes (dehydration) of the eastern part of the reservoir, which are a prerequisite to the discussion on the regime management of the Sarpa Reservoir, were estimated. |
Keywords |
the steppe zone, a reservoir, an ecotone system, ornitho-complexes, ecosystem transformation, water regime, the main factors of influence on ornitho-complexes. |
References |
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