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Geoecology |
Title |
Сontributors |
T. A. Meshchurova, Ph. D. (Biology), Researcher; E. A. Pichugin, Deputy Head of the Department; M. V. Cherepanov, Head of Department. FSBI Ural State Research Institute of Regional Environmental Problems; A. S. Gorlenko, Ph. D. (Biology), Head of the Waste Management Department, Autonomous Nonprofit Organization "Expert-Analytical Center for Environment "Ecoterra" |
Abstract |
The issues of the assessment of the quality of environmental components such as air, water bodies and soil are considered in the paper. The shortcomings of the existing system are highlighted on the basis of the standards of maximum permissible concentration (MPC): anthropocentric orientation, defining the limit values for the pure substances under the experimental conditions, regardless of their synergy and antagonism, unlimited list of scanned materials, lack of differentiation standards for natural climatic zones. The necessity of transition to normalization on the basis of environmental standards, taking into account not only the utilitarian resource ecosystem, but also the biosphere-environmental ones is shown. It is proposed to form a system of environmental quality standards for environmental protection components, under which the stable functioning of natural ecological systems, natural and natural-anthropogenic objects is preserved. To improve the standardization of the quality of the system of the environment, it is advisable to establish regional values of achievable environmental standards based on the features and the relationship of the environmental components. |
Keywords |
environmental quality standards, air, water bodies, soil. |
References |
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