




B.I. Kochurov, Ph. D. (Geography), Dr. Habil., Professor, leading researcher, Institute of Geography of RAS, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

V.A. Gorbanyov, Ph. D. (Geography), Dr. Habil., Professor of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) Russian Foreign Ministry, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Geography and its fast-growing branch, Geo-ecology, possessing methods of complex assessment of the most complex interrelations that exist on the Earth and are reflected on the Earth's surface, fully corresponds to the needs of society and must respond to real problems of regions and local entities of the country. It has the opportunity to participate in the creation of a favorable and safe human environment, ensuring its comfortable existence and normal conditions for production.

At present, geographic and geo-ecological education is not related to the real production sector of the economy and management bodies. The mechanisms and instruments of the interaction of production with state universities have not been worked out yet. A flexible system of continuing education for graduates of higher educational institutions and additional training is needed. It is very important to develop progressive standards in the field of geography, ecology, nature management, environmental safe- ty, sustainable development, etc.

In fact, in information society, the role of specialists in the field of geography and geo-ecology dramatically increases due to the introduction of computer science and information technology. It is necessary to expect the demand for specialists who have mastered the methods of working with spatial information and modeling of complex natural-anthropogenic systems, as well as specialists in creating a comfortable and environ- mentally safe environment in the labor market.


Geography, Geoecology, geographic and geoecological education, informatics and information technologies.


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