DOI: 10.24411/1728-323X-2018-12038






D. A. Markelov, State University for Land Management (Moscow),

B.        I. Kochurov, Institute of Geography RAS (Moscow),

D.        A. Shapovalov, State University for Land Management (Moscow),

N. Ya. Mineeva, "KARTEK" (Moscow),

A. P. Akolzin, "KARTEK" (Moscow),

A. O. Khutorova, State University for Land Management (Moscow),

M. A. Grigorieva,

E.        A. Chukmasova, Buryat State University (Ulan-Ude),

GendenhavynNyamdavaa, Department of environment and natural resources management, Ministry of Environment and tourism of Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)


The article substantiates the principles of recognition of the geo- ecological state of the territories by relevant physionomic criteria. Life strategies, as ways of survival of the populations in the communities and ecosystems, represent an adaptation syndrome. The symptom of the adaptation syndrome: any physiognomic or ethological fact is a response to the impact. The task: to recognize the impact, to develop a scenario for decision-making. Scales of recognition: impact — response, dose — effect. The technologies for ensuring geo-ecological safety have been developed: research (collection of facts), analysis (establishment of relationships), forecast (state), decision scenarios (inventory), and practical recommendations for a specific territory.


vital strategies of populations, geoecological safety, bioindication, bio-purification and rehabilitation of territories, bio- geocoenotic barrier.


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