

Economic, social, political and recreational geography



  1. M. R. Tsibulnikova, Ph. D. (Geography), Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk State University, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Tomsk, Russia,
  2. N. V. Gorina, Ph. D. (Biology), Tomsk State University, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Tomsk, Russia

In the article, the analysis of environmental management of the region in terms of the natural capital assessment is considered. In the case study of the Tomsk Region, the sociological and ecological-economics results of the environmental management are investigated. Special attention is paid to forest resources. The results of comparative economic assessment of different types of environmental management, including timber harvesting, non-timber resources of the forest, hunting animals are given. The high social importance of non-timber and hunting resources is highlighted. In order to implement the sustainable development concept in the environmental management practice, we suggest that the value of ecosystems is considered. The results of the ecosystem services assessment in carbon sequestration of the atmosphere and recreational services of the wood, which are carried out according to the methodological approaches of the UN to the assessment of the resources of the environment, are given. The comparison of functions of the wood showed that the value of the forest as an ecosystem considerably exceeds the cost of all natural resources of the territory. To increase the effectiveness of the environmental management of the region, the establishment of an interdepartmental monitoring system of ecological-economic value of natural resources and ecosystem services is offered. The innovation and industrial cluster of renewable natural resources created in the Tomsk Region can be considered as the basis for the interaction of the state and businesses in forming a unified information base for ensuring sustainable use of the natural capital of the region.


ecological-economic assessment of natural resources, natural capital, ecosystem services, environmental management.

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