




  1. A. A. Slauta, teacher. Irkutsky state agricultural university of A. A. Ezhevsky, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Irkutsk, Russia;
  2. A. A. Lazarewa, teacher. Irkutsky state agricultural university of A. A. Ezhevsky, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Irkutsk, Russia,
  3. T. E. Afonina, professor. Irkutsky state agricultural university of name A. A. Ezhevsky, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Irkutsk, Russia.

In article an assessment of recreational impact on geosystems with special conditions of environmental management — the southeast coast of the Lake Baikal and the Tunkinsky valley is given. These territories are the most perspective for development of versatile tourism as possess the most valuable recreational resources and rich historical and cultural heritage. Therefore social and economic development of these territories is connected with development of recreational managing. Conducting recreational activity in these territories provides the special, sparing environmental management mode. As showed our researches, now, where the main vacation spots are concentrated, intensive tourism gave from 2 to 4 stages of degradation of geosystems. The researches conducted by us allowed to classify recreational loading by types of influence, to establish criteria of degradation of geosystems. The key indicators reflecting degree of a narushennost of forest geosystems under the influence of recreational loading are categories of development of footpath network (shallow, average and large), a vytaptonnost, existence of bonfires and unauthorized dumps. As, social and economic development of territories of national park and the southeast coast of the Lake Baikal connect with development of tourism in its various forms of manifestation (resort, mountain, floatable, etc.), therefore, change of conditions of the organization of rest is required.


recreational influence, assessment, geosystem, recreational loading, Lake Baikal, Tunkinsky valley.

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