DOI | 10.24411/1728-323X-2019-11097 |
Section | Economic, social, political and recreational geography |
Сontributors | - N. V. Maksakovskiy, Ph. D. (Geography), Expert, Centre for Regional Programs of Social and Cultural Development, Institute for Social Policy, Higher School of Economic, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Moscow, Russia,
- A. A. Butorin, Research Fellow, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Moscow, Russia
Abstract | The article analyzes the procedure currently used in Russia for nominating cultural and natural sites to be inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list. All the stages of a long and thorny path to obtain the World Heritage Site status are described for the first time. The excerpts and references to the World Heritage Convention basic documents, the text of the Convention and the Operational Guidelines, are given. Along with providing a description of the nomination procedure that is currently used in Russia and can serve as practical guidelines for Russian specialists working under the Convention, the article outlines the main procedural flaws and provides recommendations for their eradication. It is emphasized that a firm scientific basis is needed for planning and expert evaluation of new nominations and a wider expert society should be actively involved in these procedures. In conclusion, a set of measures aimed at improving Russias implementation of the World Heritage Convention, as well as the preservation and support of the existing World Heritage sites are proposed. |
Keywords | World Heritage Convention, cultural and natural heritage of Russia, heritage protection, preparation of nominations, expert community. |
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